Pregnancy Announcement Games, 7 Creative Ways To Share Your Big News

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If you’ve stumbled across this post, I’m guessing that you or someone you know has some big news to share.

So first things first, congratulations!

This is such an exciting time of your life and deciding how to announce your big news can be one of the most fun things to plan in the early stages of pregnancy.

If you’re new here, let me tell you that I believe games have their place in just about any scenario, and sharing pregnancy news is no exception.

What is a creative way to announce pregnancy?

There are many creative ways to announce your good news to the world. Or for starters, your partner, friends or family.

One of my favorite methods is through a pregnancy announcement game.

A game can provide the perfect opportunity to get together with your close family, and there are so many fun ideas to try. The hardest thing will be keeping the secret until you’re ready.

Most women choose to wait to announce a pregnancy until the end of the first trimester, usually because of the risk of miscarriage.

Of course, your partner might be the first person you’ll want to tell. But with all things in life, the best way to go about it is to do what is best for you and your situation.

The following suggestions can be tailored to any situation, whether you want to announce it to one person or a group of people.

So without further ado, here are some of the best pregnancy announcement games you can try when you’re ready to share the good news.

7. Mad Gab

Playing Mad Gab can be a fun way to tell your close family members about the new addition to your family.

In Mad Gab, you get a strange phrase of gibberish that other players will try to guess what it sounds like. It’s a game of not what you say, but what you hear.

The game is currently available on Amazon for $11.76 if you want to play a few rounds before making the announcement.

When you’re ready, make your own phrase for them to interpret.

It can be tricky to come up with a phrase that sounds like what you’re trying to say, so think about it ahead of time if you want it to be custom.

For example, if you want to say “I have a bun in the oven,” you can say something like, “Eye ave ub-un en tea ub-hen”.

a couple wearing headphones
The whisper challenge can be a fun way to make a pregnancy announcement with your partner (photo by DC studio/

6. Whisper Challenge

In the Whisper Challenge, couples wear headphones while playing music so that they can’t hear their partner. Try to read each other’s lips as you give each other sentences and phrases, and then guess what the other person is saying.

This is a cute a way to tell your sweetie, and you can find a few examples on YouTube as well if you need some inspiration. This method also offers an easy way to record their reaction to the exciting news.

Start out with a few phrases to practice and take turns back and forth.

When you’re ready, tell your partner that you’re pregnant and see how long it take them to figure it out.

This is a good option to tell your significant other for the first time or maybe your best friend.

5. Taboo

Taboo is a fun game and one of the more fun ways to announce your news.

In this game, players have a word that they have their teammates guess, but they aren’t allowed to say a certain set of related words.

Tabboo sets usually come with a few black cards in the deck. You could have a few normal rounds and then sneak in a custom set of cards that all relate to the baby.

Have the other players guess words like “baby” or “pregnant” or “ultrasound” or “stork”.

After a whole round of pregnancy-related words, hopefully, your family will catch on.

As a backup plan if they don’t quite pick up on the hint, make a copy of your ultrasound and trim it down to the size of a Tabboo card, and place that as the next card when you pass over the deck.

Tabboo is currently on Amazon for $20.93.

4. Telestrations

Telestrations is another light-hearted method to make the announcement to a group of people.

The game is similar to Pictionary but with the “Telephone Game” element. Players get a prompt to draw on a small whiteboard, they pass it to another payer who guesses what it is, and then the next player draws a photo of the previous player’s guess.

It’s funny to see what the end result is, which is usually not that close to the original phrase.

It works best in a group of at least 4 players. Again, you may want to play a few “normal” rounds before revealing your news.

When you’re ready, make up your own prompt of yourself with a bun in the oven or something similar.

An 8-player version of the game is currently on Amazon for $28.99.

3. Scrabble

This game is one of the sweetest ways to tell your family the special news at once.

It’s very customizable, too.

You could really go about it more than one way, but all of them will involve planning the word tiles.

One way is to pass out the tiles to each player individually. The tiles can spell out “Grandma” or “Grandpa” or “Father”, etc. Or, if you have older children, you could have tiles that spell out “Big sister” or “Big brother”.

It’s fun to watch your family as they look through the tiles or see your parent’s faces as they find out they will be grandparents.

Alternatively, you could give yourself a set of word tiles that spells out the message to the family. There are no rules here, since this is a different kind of game night.

A set of baby shoes
Set up a scavenger hunt for your partner and let them find a pair of baby shoes at the end (photo by Rachel Kolokoff Hopper/

2. Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt can be a great way to share your secret message and enjoy the special moment.

The downside to this tactic is that it takes quite bit of planning.

Plant a series of clues for your partner or family members. If you really want to have some fun, consider incorporating places around town as well.

Let the last clue lead them to a positive pregnancy test, ultrasound picture, a baby onesie or baby shoes. Be sure to keep tabs on them to record their reaction.

1. Two Truths and a Lie

If you’re looking for a simple game for your big reveal, suggest a game of Two Truths and a Lie.

This game can sometimes be too easy to play if you’re playing with people you know well.

So, one of your “truths” could be that you’re pregnant. Use something obvious as the lie if you want them to catch on quickly.

What if my family is not local?

Your family members may not be nearby. If you have to tell them over a phone call, this can make incorporating a game a bit thicker.

You could consider another fun method of pregnancy announcements, like a gift box, a custom movie poster with a coming soon due date or a variety of other ways to announce the pregnancy news, such as custom “player one has entered” onesies.

Good luck with whichever method you decide!

Do you have any ideas for fun pregnancy announcements? Let me know your creative ideas in the comments below.

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Disclaimer: This site produces content for the purpose of entertainment. Expressed opinions are the author's alone and not endorsed or affiliated with mentioned games or products. Questions or comments? Reach out to me on my contact page.