What Do You Meme Game Rules, a Quick Guide With Bonus Rules

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Real life is hard and sometimes you need a fun and mindless game to play.

Enter What Do You Meme.

Luckily, this has some of the simplest game rules in the industry.

As far as board games go, this one is super easy to learn. It’s a funny game and almost always a good time.

Plus, if you have ever played a game like Cards Against Humanity, you will almost instantly know how to play.

Read Also: 11 party games like Cards Against Humanity, but better

What Do You Meme Game
What Do You Meme incorporates several famous internet memes into the game (photo by BoardGameChick.com)

What Do You Meme rules, how to play

Each player draws seven caption cards. These cards are the smaller cards with captions on them.

The person with the most Instagram followers will be the first judge.

That is, unless, they purchase followers or use 100 hashtags for each post. Then, I suppose, it’s the person with the second highest following.

The judge can choose a designated photo card that comes from a collection of humorous memes to play and set it on the sexy easel. Their words, not mine.

Then, the remaining players look through their caption cards and choose the funniest card to play. Everyone passes their cards to the judge, facedown.

Once the judge has received all of the caption cards, they shuffle the captions and read them aloud to the rest of the table.

Finally, the judge picks the funniest pairing. The person who played it wins that round and keeps the photo card (which are the meme cards) as a trophy, which equals one point.

Everyone takes another card from the draw pile so they start the fresh round with seven cards.

The player to the left of the judge becomes the new judge.

May the funniest caption win.

A deck of caption cards in what do you meme
Always draw back up to seven cards (photo by BoardGameChick.com)

What if my caption cards are not funny?

The game states that if all of your caption cards are not funny, you can exchange them for a new set for the cost of a photo card trophy.

Aka, you lose a point.

You also no longer have the perfect excuse of having bad cards if you are not winning.

When does the game end?

Let’s just say the game doesn’t take itself too seriously. Play until you get tired of playing.

The rules actually state that you should play until you get hungry, at which point stop playing and order a pizza.

The person with the most points is the new meme king or meme queen and wins the game.

Adding your own photo

For an added bit of fun, the rulebook recommends adding your own photos to the game.

I haven’t tried this but I imagine it can make the evening more fun, in a risky sort of way.

Just make sure everyone in your friend group has a good sense of humor.

Example pairing for what do you meme game
Do your best to find the funniest caption that goes with the current photo card (photo by BoardGameChick.com)

Is What Do You Meme a good game?

It depends. If you like easy party games, yeah, it’s a good game.

If you’re a board game fanatic who enjoys more strategy, it may not be for you.

But overall, it’s a good game for families or college game nights. There’s a low barrier of entry and just about anyone who can read will be able to play.

Is it the funniest party game? I like Telestrations a tad bit better.

Read Also: Best board games for college students, top 8 ranked

Is What Do You Meme good for kids?

It can be. The main game has adult cards, but they are wrapped separately and marked with a small “MA” on the bottom.

So, if you choose to play with only family-friendly cards, you can keep it more PG so the whole family can participate.

Freestyle card in What Do You Meme
When you play a Freestyle card, everyone makes up their own caption (photo by BoardGameChick.com)

What is the Freestyle card in What Do You Meme?

The game comes with a Freestyle card that has its own set of bonus rules.

If you choose to play a Freestyle card, it must be announced at the beginning of the round after the photo card is chosen but before the other players submit a caption.

All players (other than the judge) has to make up a caption on the spot for that round.

In other words, no caption cards will be submitted.

If everyone is feeling brave, they may say their captions out loud. Alternatively, you can have everyone write down their captions on a scrap piece of paper.

What do you meme game example
If you’ve exhausted your current memes, there are several expansions and varieties available (photo by BoardGameChick.com)

How much is What Do You Meme?

The What Do You Meme core game is currently $29.99 on Amazon.

Meme lovers will appreciate the fact that there are plenty of expansion packs available that can be added to the core game. There are also career series versions including themes for nurses, teachers and real estate agents.

In fact, there are seemingly endless packs of this game available including themes for Game of Thrones, 90 Day Fiance, Spongebob, Rick and Morty, The Office and more.

There’s even a What Do You Meme TikTok edition. Lord help us all.

Have you played this party card game? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.

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